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This spring, we will participate in the garden shows mentioned below. If you would like to prevent transport costs, you can order plants through this website, for us to bring to the show of your choice. You can choose the garden show at the end of the order, on the page 'transport'. The transport costs will be cancelled. Please order at least one week beforehand. |
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29 and 30 March - Fête des Plantes du PercheBellou-le-Trichard - Orne (61) - France www.hortuspertica.com |
"Pour tous les amoureux du jardins, simples amateurs, curieux ou passionnés, HORTUS PERTICA a voulu organiser une fête des plantes dans le Perche qui réunisse en un seul lieu un choix riche et varié de pépiniéristes spécialisés, ainsi que des artistes et artisans inspirés par les jardins. Une fête inspirante où l'on puisse à la fois trouver de quoi agrémenter son jardin avec l'arrivée du printemps, des conseils avisés, des idées ou tout simplement passer un moment privilégié dans un cadre enchanteur." | |||
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4, 5 and 6 April - "Fête des Plantes de Printemps, Saint-Jean de BeauregardParis - Essonne (91) - France WWW.CHATEAUDESAINTJEANDEBEAUREGARD.COM |
"The line-up includes about 250 specialists of European top producers and nurserymen in order to offer you unrivalled diversity in terms of the plants and all the advice you will need to lay out your own gardening projects. The plants will be the stars of the show, from the unexpected plants and the classics, the audacious and discreet ones, the demanding plants and the easy ones, the newest varieties alongside the rising stars and the established names." | |||
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12 and 13 April - Fête des Jardins au Château de PommorioTréveneuc - Côtes d'Armor (22) - France |
"This garden show aims to create,in the courtyard and the old gardens of the castle of Pommorio, meetings between garden lovers, neophytes and passionate professionals. It invites you to see, admire, feel, learn in a relaxed and ludic atmosphere." | |||
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26 and 27 April - Feria de Plantas de Colleccion, IturraranGuipuscoa - Pais Vasco- Espagne www.iturraran.org |
"Perteneciente a la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, el Jardín Botánico de Iturraran se encuentra en pleno Parque Natural de Pagoeta. En una extensión de 25 hectáreas ,una vez al año, se organiza la FERIA DE PLANTAS DE COLECCION, que cuenta con gran éxito de público. En ella exponen viveristas-coleccionistas de diversos países, y los visitantes pueden adquirir plantas poco corrientes. Hay visitantes que se desplazan desde muy lejos para asistir a esta Feria tan especial." | |||
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2, 3 and 4 May - Fête aux Jardins d'Aywiers, LasneLasne - Brussels- Belgium www.aywiers.be |
“Les Jardins d'Aywiers”, it's where passionate professionals meet gardening enthusiasts in an enchanting setting. The seven-hectare garden is surrounded by ancient walls, containing superb hundred-year-old tree specimens, shrubs and rare plants, a pond and springs as well as a garden of aromatic and medicinal plants." |
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16, 17 and 18 May - Les Journées des Plantes de ChantillyChantilly - Oise (60) - France WWW.chateauDECHANTILLY.FR |
"The leading event of the gardening world for over 30 years, created in Courson and passed on to Chantilly in 2015, will bring together 200 exhibitors in the grounds of the Domaine de Chantilly. Nursery growers, collectors, landscapers, professionals from the plant trade, horticultural associations… From collection plants to the great classics, the entire palette of horticultural diversity will be on show. " | |||
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24 and 25 May - Festival des Roses de ChédignyChédigny - Indre-et-Loire (37) - Centre WWW.CHÉDIGNY.FR |
"The festival will welcome more than 60 rigorously selected exhibitors and artists this year. During these 2 days, you will discover rose growers, perennial growers, bulbs and vegetable plants, tools and decorations for the garden and craftsmen and artists." | |||
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30, 31 May and 1 June - Festival des Plantes et des Roses, HexHeers - Limburg - Belgium www.hex.be |
"The castle and land of Hex are surrounded by lush gardens as well as parks, farmland, orchards and forests. Hex dates from the late 18th century and has, over time, managed to preserve its atmosphere, its traditions and its unique character. During the garden days, nurserymen are invited to present their exceptional plants to the public." | |||
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6, 7 and 8 June - Les Journées de la Rose - Domaine de ChaalisFontaine- - Oise (60) - Haute de France WWW.CHAALIS.FR |
"Every year for twenty years, on the second weekend of June, the Rose Days bring together nearly 15,000 visitors around the queen of flowers, so pampered in Chaalis. More than a hundred exhibitors – horticulturists, nursery growers, rose growers, artists or artisans – offer their products, share their advice with passion and celebrate the rose in all its cuttings. Exhibitions, workshops and conferences take place within the estate, taking visitors on a magical and unforgettable walk." | |||
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